
Pasaayadan Ayurved Hospital has been developed unique methods of Panchakarmas based on Advanced, Genuine & Scientific Ayurveda. These unique methods of Panchakarma plays very Important roles to achieve best results in Bone-Spine-Joint-Neurological Diseases and also in normal human beings to maintain normal health along with to feel relax.
Ayurveda is a Science of life & gives the ideas about how to maintain the good health of body & mind,. Ayurvedic Science quoted rules for Dinacharya (day times rules), Ratricharya (Night time rules) and Ritucharya (rules according to seasons), these rules are about diet, sleep, Exercises & male-Female intercourse. Thus Ayurveda thinks about life from root and is always try to keep human being in happy condition by making his soul (Atma), Sensory Organs (Indriyas), Mind (Mana), Body (Sharira) happy & Healthy.
Ayurveda describes preventive and Curative therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. Ayurveda is more than a mere healing system, it is a science of life and art of appropriate living which helps to achieve long life. It also guides every individual in the prevention of diseases and long term maintenance of health. To achieve balanced state of body, mind and consciousness, Ayurveda prescribes Panchakarma therapy which cleanse body toxins & restore balance of Doshas as well as other body elements.
PanchKarma is mostly a part of the purification therapies of Ayurveda. "Panch" means five and "Karma" means therapies or actions so literally translated, it is a set of five modules of therapies used for Purification of the Body. Panchakarmas flush out the accumulated Doshas i.e. Vata-Pitta-Kapha & toxins from the body and thus bring the aggravated "Doshas" in balance by using the normal modes of eliminations like Stomach, intestines etc.
Uncontrolled food- drink habits & living styles of human beings generate morbid- harmful doshas & waste material in body and can’t be eliminated by natural tendencies through natural ways of body & stick internally. Thus aggravated doshas & waste products (Mala) generate diseases. To overcome these diseases & for intention to prevent the same prior, Panchakarmas play an unique and important role by their eliminating & purification majors.
Purvakarma: Pre-purification Measures for Panchakarma
Before the actual Panchakarma purification procedure begins, there is a need to prepare the body first to evacuate morbid Doshas & toxins. The two essential procedures before proper Purification Panchakarma procedure are Snehana and Swedana.
A) Abhyantara Snehana (Internal Administration of Medicated Ghee or Medicates Oil)
Medicated oil or Ghee is administered internally & it travels through minute channels of body very easily. Once the Ghee or taila reaches fine channels, all fat soluble impurities dissolve in Ghee or taila , morbid doshas-toxins move from Srotasas (systems) and finally thrown in to large intestine. All these morbid factors are eliminated by Virechan (Purgation) or Vaman (Emesis). Virechan is obtained by electro-balanced purgatives, so the balance of electrolytes is maintained in body in spite of induced diarrhea.
B) Abhyangam (Massage)

Abhyangam means oil massage. Oil is applied on entire body with a particular type of massage. As skin cells are made up of lipoproteins, oil can be absorbed / penetrated in body through skin very easily, which lubricates and dissolves stagnated Doshas, toxins & morbid material, helps them to move towards the gastro-intestinal tract. Oil massage also makes the superficial and deep tissues soft and supple, thus helping to remove stress and to nourish the whole body. Snehana is given daily for two days before Vamana & 3 days before Virechana.
Swedan (Steam Bath)

Swedan means sudation or sweating and is given every day immediately following the Snehana. Dosha alleviating herbal medicines are added to the water to get medicated steam to further loosen the toxins and Doshas from the normal tissues of individuals. Swedana liquefies Doshas & toxins to accelerate their movement into the gastro-intestinal tract.
Thus medicated steam helps to open fine pores on skin allowing the natural excretion path and also dilates the blood vessels allowing more blood to pass through all over body to enhance more nourishment.
Pradhanakarma: Main Purification measures of Panchakarma
Vamana: Emesis Therapy

Vaman is the procedure which evacuates all Doshas, morbid material & toxins especially Kapha dosha by artificially herb induced emesis (Vomiting).
Vaman is prescribed by Ayurveda in following conditions & Diseases
- Morbid Kapha dosha is stagnated in body
- Kapha dosha induced diseases like Cough, Asthma, Common cold, Skin Diseases (Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis, Urticaria etc.) and many others.
Vamana therapy is performed in very scientific way in Pasaayadan Hospital to achieve more & more purification of body.
Virechana: Purgation Therapy
Virechana is the procedure which evacuates all doshas, morbid material & toxins especially Pitta by artificially herb induced purgatives.
Virechana is prescribed in following conditional diseases
- If morbid doshas (Pitta-Kapha-Vata) especially Pitta accumulate in body
- Pitta Dosha induced manifestion of diseases like Skin Disorders, Kamala (Jaundice) .
- Neurological Diseases like Pakshaghat (Paralysis),
Virechana Karma is also performed in very scientific way in Pasaayadan Hospital to achieve more & more purification of body.
Basti: Enema Therapy
Main seat of Vata is Pakwashaya (Large Intestine) hence Basti therapy is used by administration of different types of Oils & Decoctions through rectal root to alleviate Vata Dosha & to stop degeneration of bones & other tissues. As Vata is predominant In Spine-Bone-Joint & Neurological diseases, Basti therapy is the right choice of treatment.
Pasaayadan Hospital have achieved honorable level in Basti Chikitsa on the basis of Scienfic-Genuine & Advanced Ayurvedic techniques. As the Hospital is having specialty in Spine-Bone-Joints & Neurological disorders Basti Chikitsa has been well developed by hospital according to the need. We use different types of Basti like Rajayapana Basti, Baladi Yapana Basti, Mustadi Yapana Basti, Panchatiktaka Kshira Basti, Vatahara Basti, Asthapana Basti, Anuvasana Basti, Matra Basti, Uttara Basti etc.
Nasya: Nasal Administration

The nose is the doorway to the brain and neck region. The nasal administration of medicated oils-Medicated Ghee-Herbal Decoctions-Herbal Extracts or fine Herbal Powders is called Nasya. An excessive morbid Doshas accumulated in the sinus, throat, nose or head areas is eliminated by means of the nearest possible opening, the nose. According to different types of diseases, there are various types of Nasya therapies have been indicated.
Different types of Nasyas are indicated for following disorders
- Neurological Disorders,
- Mental & Intellectual disorders, Sensory organs disorders,
- Cervical Vertebral Disorders
- Cold -Cough & many other diseases.
Rakta Mokshana

Rakta Mokshana is very effective procedure for blood induced disorders
- Skin Diseases,
- Gout,
- Rheumatoid Arthritis,
- Hypertension,
- Herpes Zoster and many others.
This procedure is performed by different ways like Jalaukacharana Therapy (Leech Therapy), & Siravedha etc.
Post PanchKarma Procedures
Samsarjan Karma
Samsarjana Krama is a very important part of Panchakarma which guides us about the food articles, their Contents, their proper recipes & how to increase these different recipes gradually by maintaining proper hunger to avoid aggravation of Doshas.
It is a special form of rejuvenation therapy. This is best after the PanchKarma and done in both healthy & diseased person. Special herbs are used to tone up the various systems of the body. The herbs are selected according to Prakriti (Constitution) and disease. The duration for Rasayan is decided by experienced physician at Pasaayadan Hospital.